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The first inclusive filter input is here!

· 2 min read
Geoffrey "C0ZEN" Testelin

The first input of the inclusive filtering kind is out!


The input issue-only-any-project-cards is out!
You can now only process your issues when they are linked to a project.

A bit of context

All the inputs added so far were useful to ignore all the items not having certain criteria.

For example, the only inputs available to ignore the processing of issues for a project were the issue-ignore-all-project-cards and the issue-ignore-any-project-cards inputs.
But what if you only wish to process issues that belongs to a specific project?
You simply couldn't!

Having inputs to reverse the logic to only process by using inclusive criteria was not something possible so far.

What is new?

To tackle this issue and be able to only process issues that belongs to a specific project or to a specific list of projects, we needed a new input.
So, the input issue-only-any-project-cards was created for this purpose.

Why is that so important?

Developing those features are not that hard, but thinking about how to combine them all together in a way that makes sense is a bit more difficult.
But now we have a recipe to inclusive inputs, and we will be able to provide more functionalities following the same scheme! 🚀


You can see an advanced example to configure different workflows with multiple cron that may help you fine-tune even more the action.